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Iridology - your eyes reveal your health!

Writer's picture: Brooke AllwoodBrooke Allwood

Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the individual components of the eye; the iris (the coloured bit), the pupil (the black centre), the sclera (the whites) and the collarette (surrounds the pupil), and their relationships with one another. Iridology has the ability to identify potential weaknesses within the body, mind and emotions.

By identifying these potential weaknesses we may be able to prevent disease (physical, mental and emotional) from starting or progressing to help improve overall health and wellbeing.

One of the first things I look at during an Iridology Consult is EYE COLOUR.

There are three colour types mixed, blue and brown, each comes with its own set of predisposed weaknesses.

Mixed Eyes (pictured below) Eyes that are blue underneath with a brown overlay. These eyes are often referred to as hazel eyes and, in some instances are mistaken for brown eyes.

Common health concerns include:

  • Gastrointestinal weakness

  • Variable bowels (diarrhoea and constipation)

  • Dysglycaemia (blood sugar dysregulation)

  • Liver and gallbladder problems (symptoms of liver/GB insufficiency include waking between 1am and 4am, yellowing of the ski/eyes, a fluttering sensation in the chest, floating stools)

Blue Eyes (pictured below) Common health concerns: hypersensitive mucous membranes (ear, nose and throat problems including inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids), allergies and swollen glands, skin conditions (eczema, acne and hives) bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, post nasal drip, fluid retention and depleted energy levels.

Brown Eyes (pictured below) Common health concerns:

  • Gastrointestinal issues: dyspepsia (indigestion), nervous stomach ('butterflies' or diarrhoea when you're nervous), cholecystitis (gall bladder inflammation), intestinal gas, bloating and constipation.

  • Nutrient deficiencies: iodine, copper, iron.

  • Faulty metabolism that affects the heart, liver and gallbladder.

  • Viscous blood and rapid circulation leading to haemorrhoids, varicose veins and spider veins.

  • Pustular skin conditions relating to liver insufficiency: acne and eczema.

  • High cholesterol after the age of 30.

  • Dysglycaemia (blood sugar dysregulation)

The next thing I look at is the STRUCTURE of the iris.

The various structures each have predispositions associated with them - let’s look at one of the most common structures I see in clinic.

The Anxiety Tetanic (pictured below)

The AT structure is associated with anxiety conditions (as the name suggests) as well as the following:

  • Adrenal weakness/fatigue - feeling more fatigued than you ‘should’, cravings, thyroid conditions, inability to deal with stress etc.

  • Workaholics with a tendency towards doing too much, pushing through fatigue and stress and ignoring the body when it sends little signs that you need to slow down.

  • Addictions to stimulants (tea, coffee, sugary foods) due to the drive to keep going.

  • Digestive issues including ulcers, colitis, nervous stomach.

  • Liver or gallbladder issues - symptoms include waking between 1am-3am, stools that float, heartburn, fluttering the chest, palpitations, difficulty processing fatty foods, abdominal pain.


Book an appointment via my website

Distance Iridology Consultations also available - send me a message for more information or to arrange.

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